If this STUPID STUPID STUPID study makes it into the US mass media, I guarantee you we will see a MAJOR shift in how the world views work, and leisure! For example, since it seems that every single new trend (long lasting or short fad) regarding fitness seems to be invented in the USA (i.e. California), I can envision how people work and play will also get re-invented. Once that catches on in the USA (and it will very quickly because the doctors, nutritionists, health industry, and government will support it fully), it will spread like wildfire... to Japan!
Can you envision people working at standup work stations (like that "private" computer people used on "24" when they wanted to do some illicit file transfers to Jack, or (other) terrorists connected to the CTU?), typing away at computers that are waist high? All day? Then they will make TV stands designed to be viewed while standing erect (not erection, but that might be possible too - I'm serious here! in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way of course). Of course receptionists will no longer be allowed to sit on the job, movie theatres will be designed with standing backrests, and so on, and so on.
But wait! The study says that prolonged sitting OUTSIDE OF WORK LEADS TO increased death risks, cancer risks, and heart disease, so sitting during work is not related! Not related you say? OF course if standing outside of work is good, then standing during work hours must be even better! Of course, so will go the thinking....
They take it even further to say that sitting increases the risk of cancer more for women than men...
This is a huge "waist" of time and money... What will they think of next?
I'd love to post just the link, but you have to log in to read this stuff so I'll include the entire report...
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/725721?sssdmh=dm1.629077&src=nldne&uac=143390MN (in case you can access this link)...
Dumb... dumb... dumb...
If only they would spend more time thinking about the primary cause of cancer (decreased cellular oxygen), how food impacts heart disease in a HUGE way (can you say carbohydrates? Sure, I knew you could!) and not this stupid off-the-wall stuff that is not related to cancer as a primary cause, we might actually get somewhere in our desire to increase life through decreasing death by cancer.
Get off your fucking fat asses, you stupid researchers, and spend our taxpayer money in a way that will have some actual benefit to our health!!
P.S. Decreasing oxygen to the brain increases the risk of death, so maybe compression of fat cells in the anal region of these retarded researchers really IS a primary cause of cancer.....
From WebMD Health News
Sitting a Risk Factor for Death
Daniel J. DeNoon
July 23, 2010 — Sit at leisure, die at haste, an American Cancer Society study finds.
In the 14-year study, people who spent at least 6 hours of their daily leisure time sitting died sooner than people who sat less than 3 hours.
And people who both sit a lot and exercise little are at even higher risk of death, find ACS epidemiologist Alpa V. Patel, PhD, and colleagues.
The effect is stronger for women than for men, but significant for both sexes.
Patel's data come from 53,440 U.S. men and 69,776 women who were 50-74 years old when the study began in 1992.
Study participants were asked, "During the past year, on an average day (not counting time spent at your job), how many hours a day did you spend sitting (watching television, reading, etc.)?"
After adjusting for smoking, height/weight, and other factors, Patel's team found that compared to sitting less than three hours a day, sitting six or more hours a day:
Increased the death rate by about 40% in women
Increased the death rate by about 20% in men
Increased the death rate by 94% in the least active women
Increased the death rate by 48% in the least active men
It wasn't just that they weren't getting exercise. Patel and colleagues found that sitting itself was detrimental to health.
Sitting increased risk of cancer death, but the main death risk linked to sitting was heart disease.
"It is beneficial to encourage sedentary individuals to stand up and walk around as well as to reach optimal levels of physical activity," Patel and colleagues conclude.
The study findings appear in the July 22 early online edition of the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Patel, A.V. American Journal of Epidemiology, published online July 22, 2010.
News release, American Cancer Society.
Authors and Disclosures
Daniel J. DeNoon is senior medical writer at WebMD.
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