Well, it is official! Yesterday in the snail mail I received a thick package which contained the Journal Of Knowledge Management (JKM), Vol 12, No. 2 2008. This most prestigious journal, in the KM field holds many "current" research articles by people from around the world. And guess what? I'm in it! Yaaaay me! Need online proof? Check this out!
I wrote about this going to happen back in 360 in my post entitled, Naru Hodo, March 23, 2007, but it happened sooner than I had anticipated. I was thinking "Volume 12" meant December 2008, but I guess not. I still haven't figured out how this journal works its vol, no. system, but that's OK because this is the only one I'm probably ever going to get unless someone finds me in here and wants me to study, research, or work on this stuff for them! Until that time, I'll continue flogging titanium and buffs to China in an ever-increasingly difficult time, to pay the bills... or until the time for a greater change comes upon me.
I know that a good majority of you probably aren't interested in the meat and bones of what I wrote, and that's perfectly OK. It was, in fact, one of my final papers in my MBA studies. My professor, Dr. Wang liked it so much that he recommended I submit it to this journal. And after some editing to fit into their style, it was accepted as "having value to the industry in terms of better understanding the field of Knowledge Management."
Even if you don't read the article, take a look at the abstract. It should give you insight into what I was working on. Download the PDF and just scroll through to get a feel for how this journal publishes. The colour scheme is quite nice, and I do like the layout a fair bit.
It's here, it's published, and I hope that those who get this journal will find some nuggets of gold in what I wrote. If asked how I came to my conclusions, I can only say that I took the theory I learned, mixed it into the research that was out there, and then added a good dose of "Life-Systems Engineering Science" that I have learned from Brian Peskin and my best friend Khanada (of YES Supplements and PEO (formerly called EFA) fame) to come up with something that I believe would really work IN THE REAL WORLD.
Have a great day!
I love you!
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