I started my Free! Japanese lessons about 15 years ago, and then I stopped after a few years of doing it as I got too busy at work. But even though my site has sat without updates much at all over the past years, it still reaches out to touch people around the globe from time to time.
There was a time in the beginning where I was getting thousands of hits a month on my site. Now it isn't that often, but it still moves me greatly when a chance email comes in commenting on something I did so many years ago.
Here is what I received today:
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu !!! I just found your wonderful website and have sat with it for a week, copying it into my notebook the "old fashioned way" and will now go back to the beginning to really learn it! I am amazed by just going through it once, it makes so much sense. Thank you for all your time to do this website and making it available to people who want to learn.
I met a wonderful Japanese girl over 20 years ago and have been in touch with her until the past couple of years. I still have her address and e-mail. I hope to correspond to her in Japanese to surprise her and hopefully, get back in touch with her. She used to come to the US from Keio University where she taught English and we were wonderful friends. I hope to be back in touch with her.
Thank you again. I'll be practicing and hope to get my daughter to learn too!
It is nice to get these letters of appreciation because usually when I do, I make one more lesson and add it to the pile. I've been doing this for 8 years or more.
Globalized Love is alive and well, and I'm lovin' it!
I love you!
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