Last night Mayu took me to this 40 year old NewAge Wackhead Healer guy in Fukui. His studio was an amazing array of crystals, incense, music, books on everything healing, a ton of copper bowls he uses to vibrate waves into the body for a kind of healing, aromatherapy oils, sticks, hammocks from Thailand, dancing seven headed elephants, and a few Sonic girls on roller skates delivering ice cold root beer to boot! (just kidding).
We talked to him for a bit until everyone who had planned to arrive actually did arrive. We had some cold herbal tea that was very good (slid down with ease as many cool herbals do). He laid out yoga mats for us to lie down on the floor, turned down the sea wave background music that had been playing for relaxation, turned down the lights and proceeded to play the crystal bowls.
You can see above the crystal bowls that the healer played for an hour. They are designed to emit certain frequencies that the healer then controls with his energy. The sound waves move into the listeners' bodies which are relaxed and supine on the floor. The waves are intended to awaken the
chakra points (seven spiritual points of confluence of energy in our bodies) in the body and help the latent energy within, leap forward.
Mayu says I snored within the first three minutes... she lies! I remember doing deep breathing and meditating and going to my safe space the entire time. I DID NOT SLEEP!
Mayu also said that she suffered "kanashibari" which is a common thing here in Japan when people say they awake at night but cannot move their bodies, and feel as if someone is sitting on their chest, pinning them there.
The woman next to me said that she felt some energy pour out of the top of her head at a chakra point (sahasrara, or the crown chakra of consciousness).
I don't know what the other three people there experienced.
When it was done, it took Mayu about another 15 minutes to move again, but as soon as it ended, I was immediately up, wide awake, my senses were activated, and I was perfectly calm and at ease. I got up and turned off my recorder which he let me leave right in front of him for the entire 55 minutes he was playing the crystal bowls. We had some tea, ate some cut grapefruit (he believes that the juice of the grapefruit is very healing), ate some little tomatoes that another person had brought as well as the fruit inside what looked like miniature yellowish Chinese lantern flowers! They were good.
We payed a small fee of JPY 1,500 (about $15) each (he discounted it to JPY 1,000 for each of us, saying that gas prices went up so he was helping our visit to him), and went out for dinner, then came home. This morning, both of us were exhausted so the sound waves definitely had some powerful effect on our bodies and minds.

Listening to the attached file may not be particular interesting to you as it is the sound of two hands playing a myriad of crystal bowls.... Feel free to stop, or fast forward at any time (I promise it won't hurt my feelings in the least).
Also, the waves were there physically, emanating from the crystal, outward into the room and into our bodies. These waves apparently physically affecting the chakra points (coinciding with major endocrine glands in the body) so that will be again, very different from what I recorded.
If you wish to hear what we experienced, feel free to download this sound file, put it on, then lie on the floor, relax, get comfortable, take off any tight jewelery, clothing (zzzziiipppp), and get ready to be at ease, to practice your breathing for 43 minutes. You may just find that it has a positive effect on your mind, on your soul, and on your chakra!
All in all it was an interesting experience. I hope I can have many more of these new experiences as I move into the next NOW moments of spirituality and growth.
Wait until you see what I have next for you!
I love you!
P.S. Carrie, you asked me in a blog comment how I keep from wanting to rip people's heads off... This is one way that I have been working on since January of this year. Repeating my meditation over and over and over until it becomes a peaceful second nature and allows me to live in "the gap", or that space between thinking, and acting. I might also recommend creating a mantra, or affirmation that reaffirms exactly what you are (i.e. what you want to be) as opposed to all the things that drive you nuts and lead you to lose control when you allow your buttons to be pushed. At the same time you take this peaceful time you may want to practice your breathing while you do it, imagining a swinging gate moving in.... and out........ and in ..................... and out................. in the breaths you take, in harmony with your breathing (until you fall asleep and start snoring with your mouth wide open, sucking in flying Oregon cockroaches.)
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