
I Love Yahoo! Japan Auctions

You know... I LOVE the Yahoo Japan Auctions. You can get a lot of really great stuff there.

I wanted a new thermometer for one of the rooms because I like to have thermometers all over the place (I'm a weather whore, so sue me!). Well, I did a search and I ended up finding this great clock/thermometer/hygrometer!

The bidding started at JPY 1 (about one penny), and when I came in to the bidding, it had gone up to about JPY 210 (about $2.00). I put in a maximum bid of JPY 824 (one of the secrets of bidding is to put in weird numbers so people give up when they are trying to compete), and I ended up getting it tonight at midnight for JPY 510 (about $4.50 at the current exchange rate). Sure it will cost me about $7.50 for shipping and a small COD fee, but it is well worth it considering the store wanted about JPY 3800 for it (about $35.00).

That's why I'm still up.... I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see if I won the bid or not.

I'm really looking forward to getting it! (simple things amuse simple minds... "it's just a damn aluminum boring clock, Cam... come on!" heeeeee)

Since it was a store that I bought this from on auction, they will be sending me a form that I will fill out, and send back tomorrow. I imagine I'll see my clock by the weekend.

If there is anything that you guys ever want me to look for and get on auction for you, please let me do it for you. If you will give me a small service fee and cover the payment charges, etc. I am more than happy to do that and then ship it off to you! Just let me know, and we can work together on finding something that you really want, and that fits into your price point. (I helped Dunnster get a Harley Davidson, so we can get pretty much anything). Yahoo! Japan Auctions is apparently so good, and used by so many Japanese (there are a lot of Japanese in Japan....), that E-Bay could never get a toehold here. But that's OK by me.

Have a great day, and I'm off to bed now!

I love you!


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Who wouldn't? :) Well, not just particularly Yahoo Japan Auctions, but other japan auctions as well..

japan auction