
The 4th Process: Managing Your Emotions, Phase 2

Phase 2...

So much has happened through 2008... so much. One of the biggest changes is accepting that the financial crisis in the USA has killed my business in its current state, and learning to live on less than 1/3 of what I was making before (which was not huge, but with no debt, still acceptable when living a simple life in the countryside). It has taken me the entire year to adjust, and come to grips with the fact that I must move on, must close this chapter of my life here, close the work I have been trying to do, accept it with gratitude that it fed me and clothed me and allowed me to love so much, so many. Time to move on...

Another huge change was when I began to meditate with the seven processes that I purchased while studying at the seminar in North Carolina. They have helped me so tremendously in my life. Oh My God they have been transformative! I have grown so much from my meditation, my studies, my talks with those I love and who love me, that my spirit seems to be a completely different entity from that at the beginning of that year. It took me an entire year to be comfortable with the first three processes, practicing them one by one until I was comfortable with one and could move on to the next. One entire year to become comfortable with 90 minutes of meditation. One entire year. A long time in our NOW time, but a drop in the Multiversal Cosmic Buckets of Now. But, still, it was an essential drop in my life. Huge. Stunningly huge. Transformational.

I am so grateful for all of these changes, these shifts, these opportunities to grow and expand, and improve myself. Even though it has been one of the most difficult years of my life, it has also become one of the most transformational. And for that, I have the utmost gratitude and appreciation for the Universe giving me exactly what I requested: opportunity for growth.

And now that we have moved into (Chinese) spring, a time for new beginnings, my mind says it is time to learn Process Four. I am READY for #4! Let me tell you a little about it...

I love you!

to be continued, with gratitude...

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