
Globalized Rug: Coming Home

Well, Stefnee is back in the USA (stuck in San Francisco due to flight cancellations into Kansas [snow and ice storms]) and I miss her intensely already.

But, as Scooter wrote to me in a Kmail to me when I updated him on Stefnee's travel (after saying goodbye at the airport and not wanting to let go of her in my hug... *sniff sniff*),

"You get to back to your "real life" now... but with the extra added bonus of the past two weeks' experiences under your belt to help you move along (into the future)... so it is kind of "back into the mirror", but it's kind of like in Harry Potter 5 where Sirius gave Harry that little mirror so that there would always be a connection... that's what it is... 'through the mirror', but you also HAVE the mirror with you too."

I miss her intensely, but I also have her with me always now.

Thanks, Scooter! That is an EXCELLENT way of looking at it. I love you!

Stefnee, thank YOU for the amazing two weeks you gave me, for giving me a piece of the mirror so that I can carry you with me in MY shangri-la for the rest of my life! I did my best to express my gratitude while you were here, but in truth, what you saw was only a sliver of the appreciation I really wanted to share. I'm sorry you had to eat so much pork and not enough beef... believe me, I KNOW what that feels like! I laughed so hard when you told me that in spite of eating meat for three meals a day you felt like a vegetarian, due to the lack of COW!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! And I hope that now the two brief weeks you spent here, will turn into a bazillion dreams for your children, for Scott, for your parents, for your friends, and for everyone whose soul you touch as you move through your continuous stream of NOW moments into the next stage of the various phases we call life.


Here is the final installment of the Globalized Rug, where Stefnee delivers it to me!

Thanks to each and every one of you who made this penultimate globalized love venture come true. WE could not have done this without YOU!











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