Good morning! It's time to read my medical news. And in the news today, yet another trial using Omega 3 PUFA (EFAs) failed to reduce CVD (Cardiovascular Disease). This of course is the opposite of what everyone (except Brian Peskin) expects so the industry is once again "surprised". "Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Fatal Stroke in Whites But Not Blacks" (you will need to log in with a free membership to read this article [I'll try to attach a PDF for you])
The trial actually is testing Vitamin D as well as Omega 3 so it's kind of a strange trial in itself; how can researchers determine if the Vitamin D or the Omega 3 are effective if they have two variables like this? (I imagine they have some statistical way to play with the numbers). Actually, this trial is focusing also on Vitamin D and the reduction of (fatal) heart attacks and stroke in blacks. If you have been following this stuff, for the past year the medical industry has been scaring all of the African Americans by telling them that they don't get enough vitamin D, and that will lead to a doubling of heart attack rate, and so on. So, lots of people now are taking Vitamin D supplements. Probably the white people were smirking... Well the laugh is on "pale face" because this trial kind of blows that all out of the water as the results show that both Vitamin D and Omega 3 (fish oil) are worthless in reducing the risks of heart attack and stroke. AND, it shows that the "white man" has an even higher risk of fatal heart attack and stroke with vitamin D deficiency than black people. It is really kind of confusing to tell the truth, but black people, white people, purple people aside, the real "take home" is that supplementing with Vitamin D, or Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil, i.e. DHA, EPA) is WORTHLESS. Which brings me back to my soapbox statement: Brian Peskin has been telling us the truth for 25 years now but still very few people are listening. In fact, his research is showing quite conclusively that Omega 3 fatty acids ONLY (as the industry is now pushing on us hapless consumers) is even MORE damaging than taking nothing at all! Log onto Brian's website at, or connect to him on Facebook (he has a fan page there that is great), or find him on Twitter, etc. and keep up to date on the stuff he posts because it really could just save your life. Have a great day. I love you! Cam P.S. This posting method adds double or triple spaces between paragraphs so I'm testing without doing a double carriage return. If this is difficult to read, I'll fix it later when I'm at home.
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