
TickerTapeNews from NHK for 2011/04/01 a.m.

Here is a summary of the NHK Online (English) News for today, April 1st, 2011.
Have a great day.
I love you!
* The IAEA says radiation levels twice as high as its criterion for evacuation were detected in a village 40 km from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. (Cam: I wonder if Japan will re-evaluate it's criterion after this?)
* A Japanese researcher has explained how radioactive substances that leaked from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have spread and reached Tokyo and other parts of the Kanto region.
(Cam: Will that cause more panic, or will people look at it objectively? Or, will they simply ignore it and continue on with life?)
* Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, has not provided every worker at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant with radiation monitors, breaking government rules.
(Cam: More news that shows TEPCO deserves a really severe spanking after this mess is all cleared up.)
* The death toll from the March 11th quake and tsunami in northeastern Japan rose to 11,532 as of Thursday night. The National Police Agency says 16,441 others are missing.
(Cam: The death toll will continue to rise, until the missing toll approaches zero.)
* The US military is sending Marines specialized in responding to nuclear emergencies to Japan to help deal with the trouble at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
(Cam: Go Marines!)
* Japan's Meteorological Agency advises continued caution due to powerful aftershocks 3 weeks after a magnitude 9.0 quake hit Japan.
(Cam: It's been pretty quiet in Tokyo, but this site shows that the world is anything BUT quiet: http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/ Did you realize that there are tons of earthquakes occurring daily over in the USA as well?)
* Video footage of the March 11th tsunami, apparently taken by someone at a thermal power plant in Fukushima prefecture, has been posted on YouTube.
(Cam: Great! More death and destruction for the TV media to latch onto!!)
* The Health Ministry says radiation exceeding safety standards has been detected in beef from Fukushima and vegetables from Ibaraki, Tochigi and Chiba prefectures.
(Cam: So, being a vegetarian is not healthy, and being a carnivore is not healthy... What's a poor sap to do?)
* Britain has hailed the defection of Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Kousa as a blow to leader Muammar al-Qadhafi.
(Cam: Why do these guys all have such catchy sing-song names?)
* New York Stock Closing on Thursday: Dow Jones 12,319.73, down 30.88 from Wednesday. NASDAQ 2,781.07, up 4.28.
(Cam: Just thought I'd add something other than death and destruction for those of you not "into" it.) .
Read the details here: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/31_19.html .

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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