
Crash & Burn @ the Post Office, Part II

Continuing on with yesterday's postal discussion, as it turns out
Hiroko wasn't too impressed with my idea of adding an extra
centimeters strip the postcards that we will be sending out for
Christmas cards this year. She suggested we should just reprint them,
or put them in envelopes. And pay for the extra cost. Reprinting is
really something I don't want to do because the ones we have created
are so beautiful.

So I succumbed to her suggestion of putting them in envelopes. Hiroko
has some clear plastic envelopes that are actually the size of
postcards so I slipped them all in there one by one and took them to
the post office today.

I was determined to get them to go as postcards so I pushed the effort
at the post office. Unfortunately, this time I was told that they
could not be sent as postcards because they were in an envelope. Even
though the envelope is clear.

I was also told that because it is a clear plastic envelope goes as a
special price. That special price turned out to be ¥260 per card!!

So I went back to the office, laughing.

I'll get these out sooner or later. They may make it out to the people
by new years if we're lucky. But I'm going to do it dammit!

I love you!


Via iPhone (please excuse any bizarre autocorrections)

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