
Full Veggy Burger

Here's a real veggy burger for all you real vegetables out there! May I never have to sit beside you on a late train ride home after you have consumed this beast!

This burger consists solely of garbanzo beans, marofat (?) beans, and red kidney beans. The filler is oatmeal and no meat at all is used!

May you enjoy the subsequent gas that goes with oatmeal and beans as your body does its best to try to digest a food not made for humans!

The one great thing about Freshness Burger (and Stefnee will attest to this) although the burgers are expensive they are not production line things filled with teen boogers (at least that is how it seems...) Onion rings are great and the beer here was delicious too, right Stefnee?

I love you!!

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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