
Night Time Sakura

I went out for a walk this afternoon... the day was nice but by late afternoon it had cood down and the sky was turning dark....

I went to UniQlo and bought two new silky dry undershirts. They feel soooo good... very sexy... After that I headed to the gyoumu-you supermarket near Mizue eki where I do my workouts. I stocked up on lots of frozen vegetables again. It really is amazing how much more I can get for so much less... I decided to try some pre-prepared chicken slices this time. Of course as we all know any food in the supermarket that has been processed is full of additives. And sure enough this chicken has a lot of stuff in it... I didnt like any of the beef that I tried there so skipped most meat.

After filling up my pack I walked back home in the cool night with raindrops starting to fall. As I didn't have an umbrella with me this time I was lucky to find a broken one in somebody's trash so I used that to bring me home. On the way I passed by a park and took these photos of the sakura at night. I took them on this keitai so they might not be so good... but I thought I'd give it a shot. Or four...

Thanks for the inspiration Matt & D.

Have a great Saturday you guys.

I love you!


Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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