
Our Mind, Our Life

A lot of the "New Age MumboJumbo Wackhead" stuff I mention talks about Ego and how it controls us. If you can free yourself from your ego, you can free yourself. Period.

It is not an easy thing to do, but with much practice and meditation that suits your lifestyle you can get there. Be it sitting and going "ommm omm ommm" until your legs go numb, praising God while farting into the corner of a wooden pew in a church, lighting a smudge in the trunk of your car to rid it of the bad spirits and finding that the carpet caught on fire, tripping over a root that seemed to leap up and grab your foot when you least expect it as you lose yourself in the beauty of a natural forest, holding your child's forehead as they vomit in the toilet while you do your best not to vomit all over their head from the smell and sound of retching, lying on the mats at the gym after a hard workout, after a good stretch, breathing deeply and focusing only on your breath only to find that the clock has mysteriously jumped forward by 30 minutes, sliding into that really sexy pair of skinny jeans only to find that somebody seemed to have moved the button and hole further apart than the last time you put them on, or breathing in the essence of coffee while sitting in a Starbucks and watching all the women in really short skirts and really high heels walk by as you accidentally pour your latte over the front of your shirt, you too can do it.

Buddha said it very well (probably while he was sitting and meditating as his legs went numb),

“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves.”

Your thoughts create your life. Your thoughts create your future. Do you want to have a good life? Think good thoughts. Do you want to have a fucking fantastic life? Yeah... you get the picture.

As The Universe always says in his little messages to us, "Thoughts become things; choose the good ones."

I love you!


Posted via web from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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