
Japan in New York

Here is a good article for all you New Yorkers interested in "real" Japanese food at apparently affordable prices. I figure that if the restaurant is frequented by students, then it doesn't set its prices for bankers.
"Japanese snacks now part of local favorites at New York's East Village"
If anyone visits (like Jen), please let me know what you think!
I love you!

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl


Fits Like A Second Skin!

Fits perfectly!

I am so glad that the company suggested we wait for these suits and make any alterations after they sent the first one because I grew "one thumb length" in various places over the two months. This fits like a glove (as mentioned in my video) and the material is light and airy. We shall see what I say after wearing it in my office, but I'll tell you this much: this suit makes me want to go out for dinner in the evening with a gorgeous woman by my side.


I love you!

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

DTV (Dervil TV)

Dervil sold Mayu and I this monster TV when she left Fukui back in 1994. It's a CRT-style behemoth that can't be carried by one person due to the weight and size.

Since I don't watch TV, Mayu took it with her when she moved to Tokyo. This year, the Year of the Rabbit, it is time for Mayu to say farewell to The Beast as 2011 is the year of digital TV in Japan. Last night I visited Mayu's mom for New Year dinner with the entire family. I noticed that Mayu's brother had bought Mom a ginormous digital flat screen TV. Verra Nice! So last night we brought home their older teeny digital flat screen TV. Mayu had planned to buy a tuner/adaptor for The Behemoth and continue to use it until a tube burst, went up in flames, burned the entire apartment down and took all of the tenants with it (I'm embellishing the story just a wee bit here). But since she got the wee willy digi telly she has decided to lay Sir Trinitron to rest. Finally.

The next time I visit Mayu this ancient piece of Holy Technology will most likely not grace the huge space that has been required of it for nigh on 20 years.

And I just wanted to send a very warm thank you to the lovely young lady who provided us with the means to "enjoy" television for the past 20 years.

Thank you, Dervil! We love you!!

Here is Sir Sony's Epitaph:

"Here lies Sony Trinitron, beloved offspring of Dervil, loyal servant to Mayu & Cam. Lest in Peas." Farewell DTV.


Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl


A Perfectly Pregnant Day

I kept riding after finishing taking footage at the jinja and now Im a fair way down the Edogawa River toward Tokyo Bay.

Suddenly this scene captured me and my mind lept to a very unusual thought:

What a perfect day to be pregnant and sitting out on the riverbank with your husband!

Woah! Now that was unexpected.

now I shall continue to ride.

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

Hatsumode LineUp

Even out here on the fringe of Tokyo, the far ends, the suburbs, the lines are LONG to greet the gods on January first for first prayers or "hatsymode".

I don't see the flames burning up last year's omamori yet so maybe they'll be doing that tomorrow or on the third.

There are a ton of young families with their goopy-nosed kids along for the ride.

Why the heck am I lined up? I did my prayers on Christmas Eve. Ahhh they are burning!

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

Japanuary First

It's Japanuary 1st, 2011.
I'm listening to Sundance Reflections while burning all of my candles.
The apartment is 15C and outside it is 7C.
The sky is very blue and the humidity is low.
There is no snow.


There is my triple espresso coffee.

Happy New Year!

I love you.

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl