
Autumn Laughter

The leaves that rustle

under the stroke stroke stroke

of the brittle plastic rake

in the waning light

of the crisp autumn afternoon,

they laugh like you.


Today is the first day of late autumn that actually felt as if winter was approaching. I can see the snow on Mt. Hakusan waaay off in the distance. As the day progressed, the temperature slowly dropped so that now we are below 10C and I can see my breath.

I spent a few hour doing one more "comprehensive weeding" of the yard in hopes that come spring, there will be less fresh weeds to battle with than we had this year. Also, I tied up the fragile branches of my "freedom bonsai" for the winter, as we never know when snow might come now.

The ambient temperature was about the same as that outside all day (13C outside, 14C inside), but it dropped down to 10C in here this evening. I am considering turning the heat on to warm it up for Mayu when she returns from Tokyo. My fingers are numb, as they get every winter, and my toes as well.

I know that when I go to the sento tonight, the water will feel extra hot on my digits as I sink into the pool for a much needed core-heating soak. And, of course, when I walk out into the chilly night, my body will steam because it will have been warmed far more than the normal body temperature, and it will need to let off some of the excess heat through our ultra-efficient heat-exchange system we call skin.

I am sorely tempted to start a fire in the chiminea, don my hat, and sit outside enjoying the chill of the night with a Woodford Reserve bourbon melting the ice into a perfect blend of autumn wood smoke and oak, while pondering life to come and what the next NOW moment will bring...

I love you.


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