
Asia-bound Teachers Face Grammar/IQ Tests on Arrival

Personally, I think this is a good idea... And the ASEAN authorities make a valid point, I think:
The measures, proposed by education department officials in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), are intended to prevent large numbers of unemployed foreigners from countries including the US, the UK and Australia from flooding the local job market in search of employment as “native English teachers”.
It may feel like a kick in the gut, but many of the Asian countries have a much tougher scholastic curriculum than those in North America.
I am not particularly in favour of the applicant footing the bill for the battery of tests, and wonder if the sponsor school might consider doing so as a responsibility. That way, the schools would also be more strict in their vetting of applicants for teaching positions in their programs, and eliminate those not up to the requirements from the beginning.
Charles, what do you think?
Any other TEFL language educators out there in the world have any thoughts on this?

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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