
Thank YOU from my SOUL

Dear Stefnee, Scooter, Shasta, Spencer, Simon and Silas,

This is just a brief blog to you all to thank you for an absolutely, positively, supercalifragilisticexpialidociously wonderful week and a little bit! It has been filled with so much FUN, so much family, so much EXCITEMENT, so much LOVE, so much BEING, so much GRATITUDE, so much APPRECIATION and so much more that I am having trouble expressing it to you all!

But even if you find me quiet, and thoughtful on the eve of the final night I am here until the next time I return, please understand that I am truly so indebted to you for letting me become a part of your family FOR REAL IN PERSON for this teeny weeny too short amount of time.

I will never ever ever ever forget the things we did together, the time we spent together, the laughs we shared together, the hugs we passed around together, the kisses we lavished upon each other together, and even the quiet times we had together.

I have appreciated each and every NOW moment, each and every single second of our time together. I love our time together, even at this very now moment as I am packing up my luggage, and preparing for the long journey ... home.

I feel that my visit to your family has become one more home for me and all of the kitchen elfy stuff I have done with you like the dishes, the meals, the floors, and so much more is just one part of everything, absolutely EVERYTHING that has just floored me beyond belief.

Scooter - Thank you for giving Stefnee and I the time to process, to talk, to walk, to just BE together, and breathe in the way we do. Thank you also for letting me overclean your home as I love to do. I REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY appreciate the time and the space you have given us, even at this very moment you came downstairs with the twins. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU.

Stefnee - ... You have exceeded every possible thought I could have ever imagined about you! The way you raise your children, talk with them, love them, educate them, reprimand them... it is so full, sooo FULL of the love that you have for life that I can see how (*tears*) much you adore each and every one of their cells! You are simply the most wonderful mother/friend raising children who are going to carry on your Globalized Love and spread it out into the world. As all the friends in the blog say all the time, YOU ROCK! THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU.

Geek Squad - You four are the coolest kids I know! You may be sassy, you may be inquisitive, you may turn the house into a total mess (close the fridge door, guys...), but know this: you are truly truly truly vewy awesome kids! And Shasta, congratulations on becoming 13! (Don't drive your mom crazy, please? I don't want to be coming back here to a crazy woman, ok? Please???)

Again, thank you all so very much for letting me come and share my time, my presence, my love, and my soul with each and every single one of you.

And I must admit I absolutely LOVED eating out of your fridge until it looked empty. Really. Everything was awesome. ESPECIALLY the meat!

The Universe most certainly did an amazing job of finally bringing us through the looking glass, wouldn't you agree, Stefnee?





P.S. It has been a very long time since the "last time" we met, and this time will surely hold me over until the "next time" we meet. I most definitely WILL see you then!

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