
Friday Night Update

The week is done. It's been a long one. I got home about 10:30 tonight. What a long day... And it was hot today, too...

So it feels quite pleasant sitting outside on the balcony with the cool evening breeze caressing my naked body... enjoying a triple bedtime espresso preceded by a glass of wine (and shopping for three more half-sleeve dress shirts and a brown belt, then toothpaste and other stuff, then a 30 minute walk home after a bath in the onsen and grilled fish dinner, the week's laundry done, the grease cleaned out of the kitchen range fan (major job there...), everything unpacked, and all the damn trash that goes with men's dress shirts tossed out...) Have you ever noticed how much garbage it takes to package up men's dress shirts? Oh my God! The paper and cardboard and plastic and pins... it's unbelievable! And when you undo three of them in one shot... I got off at Mizue tonight to see if I could get any half sleeve work shirts that might fit. As the Japanese have gotten dramatically larger (fatter) over the past 20 years girth is not the problem. The biggest issue is length: sleeves (impossible) and body. I got slim fit large and it is just right in the body but I would have preferred longer. We will see if they stay in my lowrise dress pants. But they had a sale on the $50 items: if you buy any four it costs $100 so that's a 50% saving bringing each item down to a reasonable $25 instead of the $80 I have paid for all the great shirts (tall) my mom sent me over the past year and a bit. The only problem is now I an dressed just like all the other Japanese guys: boring! The colours and patterns are too basic so I don't really like the. But considering how fast my sweat turns stuff yellow I guess I can live with the boredom...

Ahhhh naked on the balcony....

I'm looking forward to figuring out how to sleep out here once it warms up some more. The only problem with that is that the sun comes up about 3:30am and I really don't want to be blinded and baked awake at that hour... especially since I can't seem to get to bed before midnight or 1am these days/months since moving to Tokyo. So much to do every single night and so few hours left to do it (compared to Fukui). Thank God I have my Y.E.S. Supplements PEOs (EFAs).

Well, time to brush the old teeth and head off to bed.

I love you!

Posted via email from Thoughts From The Big Rice Bowl

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