
Plaque Off! - What your Ego doesn't want you to know...

... and will do everything in its power to prevent you from accepting.

Are you ready for this? I don't know if you're ready for this... In fact I'm not really sure many of you can really handle this. I have this feeling your mind will say, "cool..." and that's about it because it won't let you actually realize the profoundness of what I am about to tell you. How will I know this? Well, if you don't act after reading this, then I am pretty darn sure that decades of medical misinformation still has you in its grip. That would be your ego preventing you from truly understanding.

I really am serious about this. Dead serious. I am always serious when I talk about Brian Peskin's Parent Essential Oils, carbohydrates, "former EFAs", healthy fats, etc. etc. Most people read it, some skim, for a very small few it profoundly affects your world and you have a paradigm shift (like I did 10 years ago). But, for the majority of people, there are numerous "reasons" why this stuff never sinks in. Of course the good majority of reasons that are held onto are based on government, medical, and especially nutritional information that is completely incorrect, has been shown to be incorrect, but has never been allowed to be corrected because the mass media is too scared shitless to make a real stand. And we hold onto it because we cannot accept that they could be wrong, because it would mean that we would have to be wrong too, for believing in them.

Nutritionists, doctors and nurses will fight tooth and nail to deny this stuff because it completely undermines their entire education and will make their egos (often huge egos) die horrible deaths. For the ego, being wrong means death, and it will do everything in its power to prevent that, even cause the mind to enact conflict and attack in order to "protect" what it refuses to give up.

The sad thing is, everything we have learned regarding this topic up until Brian's research has been either entirely wrong, or partially incorrect, or misled half-truths that went hog wild and made us sicker than before (statins are a great example).

I know that even this introduction is going to get the hackles up of a lot of people, but again, that will just be their ego trying to protect their judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices, which are pretty much irrelevant, and not even real, except as perceived by the person who holds them. The trick to get beyond the "counter attack" feeling (that is probably growing in some of you already, just after reading this seemingly "in your face, cocksure attitude" is to admit that you have these judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices (I have lots), but then also admit that they are not you, and that you can step beyond them, change them, dissolve them, and grow past them (what I have been trying to do this past half year).

You have to understand the concept of "thinking in the Gap", or the space between what your ego puts into your mind, and how you respond. That gap exists, and in there is where you can allow yourself to try to see things differently. It's tough, but it can be don. You just have to stop yourself from the "instant attack back knee jerk reflex" that so often comes up (believe me, I know this all too well).

Are you ready to have your multiverse rocked? Read this carefully, closely, and thoughtfully. Be very very present when you read it, don't be doing or thinking anything else otherwise your judgements, beliefs, opinions, positions and prejudices will most likely prevent you from seeing the HUGE significance of what I am about to tell you regarding YOUR health and YOUR body....

I was introducing a friend to Brian's PEOs through Khanada, and wrote a letter to her. She wrote back with some earth shattering news!

Read on...

And, be very very prepared to have your mind, your ego, say and do things to either discount it, poopoo it, minimize it, put it off for another rainy day, or totally scroll by and ignore completely..

But if you do, please know that you do so at your own future peril.

You have been warned, because I care about you and your health. And I am willing to put up with some discomfort of some of your egos getting angry at me because I think this is important to share with you. And I am hoping what I want to share can get PAST your ego, which will most likely block you from truly understanding and accepting this information, and likely block you from acting upon it...

Good luck. I hope it gets past your ego. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't, though, OK? And I won't either because the ego is an amazingly powerful entity that basically controls us for the majority of our entire lives. It is extremely powerful because it has the ability to make us believe that what it wants is what we really want (at all costs) - which is false; but the ego won't let us figure that out in most cases.

Confusing? I've only just begun!

Know this: I love you! - Cam

[Email from Khanada to me]

Last week Prof. Peskin went to Florida to visit a radiologist who uses one of those very high tech imaging machines [64-slice MDCT] to measure arterial plaque. Recently he had a patient in his 60's who has been smoking for decades and who goes in yearly to get his scan.

This year when he had it done his plaque had gone down 22% in spite of his smoking! In one year to drop this much is impossible (just as impossible as my friend Kiyota in Tokyo who's diabetes has been "cured completely" after he listened to me, cut carbs dramatically, and started taking the EFAs. The doctor was flabbergasted!

He said "This never happens! What are you doing differently?" The patient told him, "I'm taking these 'oxygen pills' from Prof. Peskin." So, this doctor bought Brian's book, The Hidden Story of Cancer and after starting to read it, he invited Brian to come meet with him.

Well, he offered to give Brian a scan to see the state of his arteries. Brian, with complete confidence said. "It will be zero! There's no plaque in there." The doc gave him a patronizing expression, as they so often like to do, and then performed the scan.

On a scale from 1 to 100... where do you think Peskin's arterial plaque measured? Now keep in mind, this is a man who has been eating high-protein, high-fat and low-carb for years and years, and virtually no exercise – he’s too busy!! It has been a bit over 10 years now as well as taking the EFAs he developed at first in his own kitchen.

The doctor's mouth dropped open and he said, "Your score is... zero!" Well, and he'd NEVER seen that before in any adult. Brian is in his 50's. That is literally unheard of!

You see, Prof. Peskin's EFAs contain parent omega 6 essential oils as well as parent omega 3 essential fatty acids he calls them PEOs. There are literally NO other supplements on the market that are as close to 100% parent oils [he uses a bit of GLA, too] and hardly any with any omega 6 in them... These simple facts make the most vital difference in effectiveness.

If you call ANY EFA manufacturer other than us (Y.E.S. Supplements) and ask them to explain Parent as opposed to derivative EFAs.... ask them to explain the importance of unadulterated parent omega 6... they will have NO answer for you.

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